Santa Claus

20 12 2012

What better way to celebrate the season than with a visit to Santa Claus, Indiana?

I saved this portion of my summer road trip to publish this week. The town must look quite magical during the Christmas holiday, so my sunny photos might not do it justice.

There are several town websites to explore.
This one doesn’t have many photos: Santa Claus IN.
This site has some history: History.
a HA! This site has a photo gallery: Celebration, but not many show a winter wonderland.
I guess I’ll have to get back there some December and see if it looks more like the North Pole.

Holiday World
View of a Coaster

There is an amusement park there, but I only peered in from the cache location outside.

Entering the town:
Santa Claus, IN

One of the two shopping centers, Kringle Place:
Kringle place

The post office, where they must receive many wonderful letters from around the world:
Santa's post office

Town Hall:
SClaus town hall

… and the man, the icon, the Santa:

May your Christmas and New Year celebrations be filled with the magic of the season and many wonderful memories for years to come.